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Andrew Wykes

Andrew Wykes was born just outside of London in 1960.  He studied at Richmond upon Thames College as well as Epsom School of Art and Design, where he received his undergraduate degree in fine art.  He received his MFA degree in painting from American University in Washington D.C. and has taught art for over 37 years in the UK, Belgium and the U.S. 


Wykes has exhibited nationally and internationally, and his paintings are included in numerous collections in the U.S. and Europe.


He received Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants in 2009, 2013, 2015, and 2019.  He also holds the Ahnes Hulburd Conger Prize for Excellence in the Humanities for outstanding research as a painter from Hamline University.  In 2009, he was awarded a fellowship at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation in Mayo, Ireland, where he teaches landscape drawing and painting workshops during the summers.


Wykes is one of four Minnesota painters featured in filmmaker Kristen Lowe’s documentary Painting the Place Between.  He is currently a professor of painting at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota.


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