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Edna Imm (1906 - 2009)


Edna (Eddie) Imm was born in Sabetha, Kansas in 1906 to her parents Alfred and Helena Seitz. Her family moved from Kansas to Missouri and settled in St. Joseph for most of Imm’s childhood years. She showed an interest in art at an early age having her first sketchbook at the age of five.


Imm attended Hardin College and received her Associate of Arts Degree in Physical Education and held leadership and membership roles in various associations and clubs in college. In 1926, she married Wendell Imm and shortly after began to pursue her strong interests in art. She attended Mt. Scolastica College, the University of Minnesota, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Chicago Academy of Fine Art. While attending these schools she also studied under the well-known artist Cameron Booth.


Edna Imm was a prolific artist who painted several different genres and loved to paint children. She spent a lot of her adult years in Minnesota where she taught art. One of her classes in White Bear Lake, Minnesota became known as the “Monday Painters” which was attended by several known artists in the area. She was a lifetime member of the St. Paul Women’s Club and the Art Institute of Chicago.


Imm passed away in 2009 at the age of 103.



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