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Laura Frykman


Laura Fryman paints as a way to explore and express the playful effects of light, rhythm and color.  Within the liveliness of nature, she seeks a still depth ... and within silence she seeks the harmonies of spirit revealed in one place, at one moment of time.  Fryman calls her work … Expressive Realism. 


Fryman has 38 years of painting experience, including atelier oil portraiture at the Minnesota River School of Fine Art, advanced painting at the Women’s Art Institute, MCAD, a Masters of Art Education from the University of Minnesota, and a Minnesota K-12 Teaching License.  Her interior work is informed by Masters level study of religion and spirituality at United Theological Seminary, and two years of Tai Chi practice.  She was also a professional master floral designer for 12 years.


Fryman currently creates oil and pastel landscapes en plein air and in her studio, plus florals, murals, and collage/assemblages.  In 2019, she was a winner in the Outdoor Painters of Minnesota Grand Marais Plein Air competition.        

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